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What is TRE®?

What is TRE?

TRE is a self help method,

used by millions of people all around the world.


It is based on exercises which were developed by David Berceli, Ph.D.,

who is an international expert

in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. 

The exercises safely activate a natural shaking reflex.

This biological encoded response of the nervous system

is observed in all mammals, including humans.


Once learnt, you can use Dr. David Berceli’s

amazing self care and regulation tool when ever you want.

Just take a moment on a yoga mat or even in bed,

and shake it off naturally for 15 min or less,

your accumulated stress, 

deep holding tension and trauma patterns.


For everyone.


Because we all experience daily stress, tension and trauma.



It helps to calm down your nervous
system and relaxes you. 


It contributes to your health, recovery and helps you to let your body do it’s own healing. 


It will bring you, in what I call, “my green zone”, where you will feel present, relaxed, grounded and socially engaged.

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