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The three involuntarily reflexes.

During our live our nervous system learns and commands the way we stand, sit, walk and move.

Our brain adapts all the time

to stress, trauma or the way you repeat a movement.

We can become stuck in those reflective responses


our nervous system can learn muscular patterns that damage our body.

Result is postural imbalances that the person can't sense any longer,

because of an automatic subconscious reflex of the brain.

Gentle Somatic Yoga can unwind those postural imbalances

addressing the three involuntarily reflexes

by cultivating awareness of the muscular patterns  and through Pandiculation.




Green light reflex (Muscles in green)

Go go reflex. 

Each time you called for action, each time you want to move forward, we engage all the major muscles of the backside of our body.

When triggered,

shoulders are pulled backward,

lower back arches,

gluteal, hamstrings and calf muscles tighten. 

This reflex , this habituated  posture can develop neck, shoulder pain, lower back, herniated disks, sciatica and jaw pain.

Red light reflex (Muscles in red)

Startle reflex.

It's an universal and primitive pattern that keeps us save.

We contract the muscles in the front of the body in response to emotions like fear, anxiety, worry, a loud unexpected sound, trauma or just a repetitive  behaviour going slump before devices.

This habituated posture can lead to shallow breathing, chronic back pain, hip and knee problems, TMJ disorder, depression, fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorders, tinnitus, pelvic floor problems. This posture is associated  with getting older, but it's easily  reversible through Pandiculations.

Trauma reflex (Muscles in blue) 

Reflex to avoid further pain.

Most of the time due to repetitive behaviour (Holding a baby on the same hip), an injury, accident, surgery on one side of the body . 

This Reflex can lead to back, hip, knee, ankle pain, sciatica and plantar fasciitis. Scoliosis

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