A Pandiculation is a neuro-muscular response, that is found in all vertebrae animals. A Pandiculation reprograms the brain-to-muscle behaviour. Through pandiculations we regain sensation and voluntarily control over tight muscles and movements, that the brain might have lost involuntarily control over.
Observe your cat or dog. When they have been resting, they just love to Pandiculate. They can Pandiculate many times a day.
They are not stretching, the brain is resetting the muscles to their true resting length. The result is relaxed muscles ready for action.
What is the difference between a Pandiculation and stretching ?
Most stretching is a passive pulling on a muscle beyond its normal length , it implies force. Stretching tight muscles can provoke a stretch reflex. It's a protective involuntarily reflex to keep you save. Force or too much effort will not release our tightness in our body. The brain is not involved in passive stretching.
A Pandiculation, it's like a reset button, using our nervous system and brain to lengthen the muscles fibers to their optimal rest length, by focusing and contracting the muscles first and then release it slowly and mindfully. And taking a rest to let it integrate.