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"The only way you can hurt the body is not to use it."
-Jack Lalanne-

Gentle Somatic Yoga (GSY) is based and derived from Hanna Somatic Education and reverse the effects of Sensor Motor Amnesia (SMA). The movements are slow and mindful, and raise bodily awareness.


The restorative therapeutic movements address the root cause of most muscles tightness and chronic pain. Ninety five percent of tightness and chronic musculoskeletal pain is functional (brain) and not structural. Sensor Motor Amnesia (SMA) is an adaptive response of the nervous system, it can be unlearned.

Most people who have chronic pain are afraid to move.

With Gentle Somatic Yoga you can learn to heal tension and chronic
musculoskeletal pain in your body. You can even learn how to prevent pain and tension in the future.​


Gentle Somatic Yoga teaches safe movements in your own
range of motion. The result is unlocking chronic pain, greater
freedom of movement and lasting satisfying changes to the
whole self.  

How about to move again with
ease and joy?

How can you relearn to move more freely without pain?

Gentle Somatic Yoga re-educate the brain-muscle connection, brain-muscles behaviour through Pandiculations.



Gentle Somatic Yoga can help people who suffer from conditions such as headache, Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, Muscle spasm and cramps, Thoracic outlet Syndrome, Iliopsoas Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder, knee, back, shoulder pain, SI joint pain and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Yoga Class

A whole body approach.

Gentle and easy to learn.

Improves flexibility and posture.

Increase bodily awareness.


Back Pain

Reduces muscle  stiffness.

Can reverse chronic pain, joint and nerve pain. 


Calms down the nervous system.

Improves sleep quality.

Can lower blood pressure.


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